2024ATL Festival of Saturnalia

12/13/2024 05:00 PM - 12/15/2024 01:00 PM ET




  • $20.00  -  Member 18+
  • $30.00  -  Non-Member 18+
  • $5.00  -  Child 6-17
  • Free  -  Child 5 and under
  • Free  -  K/Q Atlantia
  • Free  -  P/Pr Atlantia
  • Free  -  B/B Dun Carraig
  • Free  -  Event Steward/Head Cook


Lions Camp Merrick
3650 Rick Hamilton Pl
Nanjemoy, MD 20662

Virtual Meeting URL: https://www.duncarraig.net/index.php/events/feast-of-saturnalia


If member ticket is bought and Attendee is unable to prove membership, a payment of $10.00 at the door and a signed waiver will be required.



10.3.1. If a person has paid for a Dun Carraig event, but is unable to attend, they may request a refund, in writing, from the Barony within 5 days of the event completion. The Barony may, at its discretion, issue a full or partial refund. Such decisions will be made on a case-by-case basis, by a refund committee consisting of the Exchequer, the Seneschal, and the event Event Steward.
10.3.2. When determining whether to issue a refund, the refund committee will consider the following: What is the nature of the situation that caused a refund request? (Higher priority will be given when circumstances beyond a person’s control prevent his or her attending the event or feast). Any/all refunds will be sent no later than 14 days after event report completion. All refunds shall be paid by check from the Barony’s checking account.