199. De Commentarii Legum et Curia Angliae, Part 1

Type: Compleat Anachronist
Price: $7.50


Written by a 21st-century lawyer, the De Commentarii Legum et Curia Angliae (Commentaries on the Laws and Courts of England) series provides modern readers with a view on English laws and legal structures as they existed largely in and leading up to the 16th century. Civil, common, and canon law are covered, along with the education of lawyers in Tudor England, law versus equity, peerage law, the major courts of the Tudor period, and the role of Sir Thomas More, one of the most influential 16th-century English lawyers.


This is Part 1, which is followed after by The Compleat Anachronist 200 De Commentarii Legum et Curia Angliae (Commentaries on the Laws and Courts of England).

Culture of Interest:
British Isles
Topics Covered:
Law & Order